đź“–Authors To Watch: Roger Stark Author of They Called Him Marvin: A History of Love, War, and Family #authorstowatch #interview



I am, by my admission, a reluctant writer. But some stories demand to be told. When we hear them, we must pick up our pen, lest we forget and the stories are lost.

Six years ago, in a quiet conversation with my friend Marvin, I learned the tragic story his father, a WW2 B-29 Airplane Commander, shot down over Nagoya, Japan just months before the end of the war.

The telling of the story that evening by this half orphan was so moving and full of emotion, it compelled me to ask if I could write the story. The result was They Called Him Marvin.

My life has been profoundly touched in so many ways by being part of documenting this sacred story. I pray that we never forget, as a people, the depth of sacrifice that was made by ordinary people like Marvin and his father and mother on our behalf.

My career as an addiction counselor (CDP) lead me to write “The Waterfall Concept; A Blueprint for Addiction Recovery,” and co-author “Reclaiming Your Addicted Brain.”

My next project is already underway, a memoir of growing in SW Washington called “Life on a Sorta Farm.” My wife of 49 years, Susan, and I still live in that area.

We raised seven children and have eleven grandchildren. We love to travel and see the sites and cultures of the world. I still get on my bicycle whenever I can.

You can visit Roger’s website at https://theycalledhimmarvin.com/ or connect with him on Facebook or Instagram.

We welcome you to My Bookish Pleasures! 

Thank you and please be aware of my gratitude that you would take time to share my work. It is an honor, busy as we all are. Thank you.


Can you tell us how you got started writing fiction?

This particular work is a creative non fiction book, I tell folks it is half fact and half fiction. It was exciting and a bit emotional to research and find tidbits of this story buried in archives. But it was just fun creating the connecting fiction that holds it all together. Therill Hanson is a good example. A totally fictitious character but he always made me smile when I was creating him.


Describe your writing process. Do you plot or write by the seat of your pants? When and where do you write?

I muddle along in my writing process. Hours a uninspired creation followed by intermittent explosions of inspiration. I feel like I developed quite a relationship with Lt Sherman, I felt Dean looking over my shoulder quite often. He would wake me from my sleep with an inspiration, quotation or something that would move the story along. At first I would think, “Hey that is good, I will remember that in the morning.” Of course I could never recollect the thoughts, so I developed the habit of getting up and going to my computer and recording what had flashed into my mind. Much of the fictional or unknown parts of the story got recorded in this way.

I am by nature an early riser. Writing is the first activity of my day. I have an office space in our home with a double screen computer and book shelves of research. I am only good for three to four hours and then my brain turns to mush and my writing day is over.


Can you tell us about your most recent release?

You should read it. Lol. I have been touched by the process of writing this story and hope you can feel that as you read the story.


How did you get the idea for the book?

I am, by my own admission, a reluctant writer. But there are stories that demand to to be told. When we hear them, we must pick up our pen, lest we forget and the stories be lost.

Six years ago, in a quiet conversation with my friend Marvin, I learned the tragic story his father, a WW2 B-29 Airplane Commander, shot down over Nagoya, Japan just months before the end of the war.

The telling of the story that evening by this half orphan was so moving and full of emotion, it compelled me to ask if I could write the story. The result being “They Called Him Marvin.”

My life has been profoundly touched in so many ways by being part of documenting this sacred story. I pray that we never forget, as a people, the depth of sacrifice that was made by ordinary people like Marvin and his father and mother on our behalf.


Of all your characters, which one is your favorite? Why?

The afore mentioned Therill Hanson, mail man extraordinaire and distant relative of some sort, and the young Riku Kyioshi other than Dean and Connie, are my favorite characters in the book. Each are very special personalities.


What was the most challenging aspect of writing your book?

 Simply the monumental task writing a book is.


What projects are you currently working on?

A memoir about growing up in SW Washington.


What advice would you offer to new or aspiring fiction authors?

After reading a lot of great books, study the craft and then buckle up. Steel yourself with determination and belief in yourself and your words.


18-year-old Pvt Dean Sherman goes to church with a friend in Salt Lake City. He meets 16-year-old Connie that will become his wife. After Pearl Harbor Dean applies for pilot training and is accepted. Dean joins Connie’s Mormon Church and they secretly become engaged.

By the time Dean has commissioned a pilot, Connie is 18 and they marry and are together for a year and a half before he ships out as an Airplane Commander of a B-29.  Connie is pregnant with their son, Marvin.

A Japanese family is introduced, the Kyoshis. She is an important member of the Community Council he is a builder of water guns used in fighting fires and is the neighborhood fire captain.  A son Reo will go off to war and train as a fighter pilot. 12-year-old Son Riku has a reappearing role in the story concerning the B-29’s bombing of Japan. They also have 6-year-old twin sisters that are sent to Hiroshima early in the story for their safety.

The crew of 44-69966 arrives in India after a month of flying. Letters start arriving for Connie. Discussion of the B-29s development of strategic purposes is explained.

In Japan Reo Kyoshi goes off to war and the Firebombing of Tokyo occurs. 15 Square miles burned down to the sidewalks. 100,000 casualties and a million people homeless. The Kyoshi survive the conflagration but lose their home.

Marvin is born. Dean returns to duty and his plane is transferred to the Marianna Islands in the Pacific. Some 67 love letters are exchanged between Dean and Connie.

Dean’s plane is shot down over Nagoya Japan, the crew is captured and sent to Tokai Army Headquarters. Connie keeps writing letters that cannot be delivered. She has no idea he is in a Japanese prison.

Prison conditions are horrible, beatings and interrogations constant. Connie receives the war department telegram listing Dean as MIA.

A sham trial is conducted the crew is found guilty and their sentence is carried out the next day.

Almost 50 years later, Dean comes to Connie in a dream/vision and confirms his love for her and that they will yet have a life together.

Book Information

Release Date: September 1, 2021

Publisher:  Silver Star Publishing

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-0578855288; 333 pages; $17.43; E-Book, $2.99

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3BnQYnD

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3JsqVi1

IndieBound: https://bit.ly/3BnQYnD

Barnes & Noblehttps://bit.ly/3Lv4sD3


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