Serrano holds a Master of Arts in English from Texas A&M University, Commerce. She is the owner of Make Cents
Editing Service,
and was an adjunct professor at a local college. Currently she teaches high
school English and is a freelance writer for certain on-line publications. Judy
also writes romantic suspense and paranormal romance novels. She is the author
of The Easter’s Lilly Series,The
Linked Series, and Ivy Vines, Visions.
Her latest book is the paranormal romance, LINKED.
Author: Judy Serrano
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 265
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: Judy Serrano
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 265
Genre: Paranormal Romance
We welcome you to My
Bookish Pleasures! Can you tell us how you got started writing fiction?
for me is an escape. I enjoy my guilty pleasure. My protagonist is beautiful,
tall, blond, and voluptuous. She has silky hair, see-through eyes, and passions
that only the most special man on earth can satisfy. She is constantly the
conflict between two of the most handsome men in the country, she lives in a
mansion, has a driver and a cook, and her biggest problem of the day is which
diamond necklace should she wear each morning. Fiction rocks!
Describe your writing
process. Do you plot or write by the seat of your pants? When and where do you
I write by the seat of my pants. I sit down at the keyboard and let my
characters direct my steps. I can write anywhere, any time. I can even carry on
a conversation with my children as I am typing away at the computer.
Can you tell us about
your most recent release?
The last book I released was First Blood, book two of the Linked
Series. Currently, I am looking for a fresh publisher for my new novel.
That one will have to remain a surprise.
How did you get the idea
for the book?
I am a huge fan of The
Vampire Diaries, The Originals,
and True Blood. I have always wanted
to write a vampire book. The first series that I wrote, The Easter’s Lilly Series is a Mafia Romance. I thought it might be
fun to combine the two.
Of all your characters,
which one is your favorite? Why?
Dante is my favorite character for sure. He is
strong, yet sensitive, defeated, yet infallible. His determination to get what
he wants will catch you by surprise. However, Dante’s unshakable loyalty is
something every girl will fall for.
What was the most
challenging aspect of writing your book?
For me, the most challenging part of
writing any book is time. I am an English teacher, and I have had four young
children during most of my writing journeys. Now that all of my boys are
finally out of high school, I will have more time to write fantasy-filled
novels. Bittersweet.
What projects are you
currently working on?
I recently finished another Mafia romance. I am currently
seeking a new publisher, so I am keeping it a secret for now. As I am waiting,
I am writing book #7 of The Easter’s
Lilly Series. After I complete that (and I am half-way through) I will
begin book #3 of The Linked Series.
What advice would you
offer to new or aspiring fiction authors?
Try to write every day. Practice is
what will make you good at what you do. Love what you write and write what you
love. Don’t let anyone tell you to write for the market. Markets change, but
when you fall in love with your own characters, you are giving others the
chance to fall in love with them as well.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JudySerranoAuthor/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/AuthorJSerrano
Amazon.com - https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Judy+Serrnao
Barnes and Noble - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Judy+Serrano?_requestid=358183
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